It Pays To Know.
This post introduces our It Pays to Know campaign. We hope that the resources we provide to you will help educate you and ensure that you are experiencing real, actual peace of mind when it comes to your home, car, and other personal assets.It is an unfortunate reality that many accidents and injuries are caused by a lack of knowledge and could have been prevented if people were properly informed. This is especially true when it comes to natural disasters. Though the disasters themselves cannot often be prevented or predicted, you can prepare you and your family to respond well to an emergency. To help you achieve a more holisitic peace of mind, we have created the It Pays to Know campaign. The central aim of this campaign is to inform and prepare you for things like natural disasters as well to provide useful, practical tips about daily tasks. You can start experiencing more complete peace of mind by taking the Earthquake Preparedness Quiz. Try it out and be sure to browse the other resources that we have compiled for you! —The Cornerstone Team